Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Forget OCD, I have OCMD

I might be a little over the top but I just can't help myself. The first two weeks Elder Loveland has been gone I sent him an MTC Delivery package, two bubble envelope packages, and one letter. I guess I wanted to make sure he knew I was thinking about him, that I hadn't forgotten about him! Also it doesn't help that I am now, in addition to my job as Copy Shop Coordinator, over the postal services at Southern Utah University. Great timing!! I wish I would have taken pictures of it all before I sent them but here is the jist of it.....
Sent this to him from http://mtcdelivery.com/
I might have sent 4..0r 5 emails but only ONE letter

Sent two of these fun mailers filled with pictures,letters....
So to explain you see...... I don't have OCD I have OCMD...Over Compulsive Mailing Disorder.

And just to make sure he gets the message loud and clear I sent a package to the Louisiana Mission Home so he has something to open when he first gets there. Just a little reminder that I am thinking of him & hoping for the best with his new adventure in Baton Rouge!

It was full of anything I could find that was green including a green bobble head frog holding a heart that says "Love You".

I have to admit I think I'm going to enjoy this sending packages thing...I already know what I'm sending next week! I'll be sure to take pictures not just for blogging but to remember the fun exciting times I can have as a mom with a child out on a mission. 
At least the moms do ya'll!!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


  Well Elder Loveland is almost done with his two week MTC adventure. I can't believe it's been almost two weeks that I last saw or spoke with him face to face. Boy I sure do miss this kid. I have had a few short but sweet emails from him that have kept me going.
  I am, however, excited to see him grow and learn and develop into the man he wants to be. I am excited to see what he has to offer to those around him.
  In just the few short weeks that Elder Loveland has been out,  there have been instances in our family where we have been blessed and watched out for. I know it is because of Elder Loveland's sacrifice and love that we have received such blessing. In return I pray daily for his happiness and safety as well.
  I would like to share his email with you all and encourage everyone to keep all of our missionaries in your prayers.

Everything is good everyone!
I love and miss you all. I've  been praying and working hard for you and hoping my work will protect and bless you in many ways! I can't read your emails right now so it may be awhile for individual letters!  I fell the spirit so strong and know I'll come back better!
See ya!
      Love Elder Loveland

God be with you till we meet again, my son....

Monday, February 1, 2016

First Companion....second tender mercy

Well Triston just heard from his first companion! He found Triston by way of an LDS Church Site. But honestly I'm not exactly sure how it even happened but I'm so glad it did. It's comforting to see who Triston will be with while in the MTC and who he will be flying to Baton Rouge with! They have been chatting on Facebook and Triston says he seems "pretty cool". This is one of those moments when I realize what a blessing social media and technology are in our lives today. We will be dropping Triston off at the MTC in a few days and this could not have happened at a better time....tender mercies my friends.... Tender mercies

Snow Days disguised as Tender Mercies

Elder Lovelad will be reporting to the MTC in 3 days!  
As my alarm went off this morning I really was not wanting to go into work. I just wanted to sleep a little bit longer and stay home to spend the day with Triston. Then my more "mature" self started feeling guilty about not going into work and making someone else do my job. As I rolled out of bed I noticed I had a text message. It read- "Iron County School dist. has declared today a snow day due to heavy snow fall. All classes have been cancelled." Then I received an email saying SUU, the University I work for,  was declaring a snow day as well and to stay home. An amazing thing is Iron County has not had a snow day in over 60, I say 60, YEARS!  A dear friend of mine said it best when she sent me the following text
 " Gotta love tender mercies disguised as snow days! One more full day with your boy!  What could be better than that!"
I agreee....nothing is more better then that!